Work-Life Balance Examples: Best Initiatives to Become Top Employer

Work-life balance is one of those topics that have been discussed countless times, but still no one can agree on what it is and how to attain this miraculous equilibrium. Some view work-life balance as an opportunity to work no more than 8 hours a day and still have time to hit the gym, run

Animations in Android Image Loaders: Comparison of Picasso, Glide, and Fresco

A modern Android application is hard to imagine without image loaders. They take over the rough work of loading asynchronously, processing errors, displaying placeholders, caching, and transforming pictures. Process automatization exempts the developer from the need to “reinvent the wheel”, giving an opportunity to focus on writing business logic instead of boilerplate code. As of

Redwerk’s Effort in Making Mass Movement J.B. Hunt’s Choice

Around three years ago, one multifaceted company made a timely solution to invest in bespoke software, and Redwerk took care of its development kick-off. That company was Mass Movement, and today, the business has reached new heights. We highly value our long-standing partnership with Mass Movement and proudly announce our client’s big step forward –

Why Do We Need More Women in Tech: Redwerk’s Employees and Customers Experience

Vibrant, innovative, and inspiring change – these are the epithets commonly applied to the IT industry. Over the recent years, the tech sector has been booming, and this rapid development is projected to grow in the future. However, no matter how progressive, empowering, and exciting the tech sector may seem, there is still a fly

ASP.NET Core Advantages and Disadvantages

In continuation of the article where we discussed what is more appropriate for Docker containers: .NET Core or .NET Framework, let’s take a closer look at ASP.NET Core advantages and disadvantages. Being a .NET development company, we have an understanding that .NET Core and ASP.NET Core are two independent technologies that are alike and different

Hiring talent in a competitive job market: how to make it work

The hiring process is the key to forming a productive work team. At Redwerk, we tried different models of attracting the best talent and learned what it means to hire smart. In this article, we want to share our hiring practices and discuss why they work well for us as a software development company. Who

Augmented Reality in Business: Benefits

Augmented reality is a technology that allows applying digitally created content to real-life settings using the device’s built-in camera. Some of the most commonly used AR applications are Word Lens on Google Translate, Snapchat, Google Lens, and even Instagram filters. AR might seem like futuristic technology, but it is highly applicable even now. Translating a

Best Free No-Code Mobile App Development Platforms

Sometimes there is a need for an app and no budget for custom development in a mobile app development company. Many small businesses and individual experts still need apps to promote their services. If the purpose is not to create an enterprise but simply introduce a new idea on the local market, free no-code mobile

Azure Service Bus in .NET Core: Communication between microservices

The topic of microservices architecture has become increasingly popular over the last couple of years. The reason behind it lies in numerous advantages that the modular architectural style brings to the table, especially when it comes to designing complex applications. The microservices architecture is a good fit for apps that need to process transactions quickly

Asynchronous programming in Flutter

Building modern mobile apps is impossible without asynchronous code. Most of the tasks that an application has to perform, to one degree or another, require a long wait for the result of the operation: network queries, working with databases, reading user input. An asynchronous approach (executing a process without blocking it) allows more rational use