Top Tech Conferences & Events to Visit in 2024

Hey tech fans, welcome to our revamped guide to upcoming tech conferences! If you love planning ahead and scoping out events early, this list is your jackpot. Interested in what our conference lineup has in store? Dive in and savor this feast – a fresh, exciting, and oh-so-detailed rundown of the top conferences for 2024. Enjoy!

Top Tech Events in 2024: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Hey there everyone! It's become quite the tradition around here. Redwerk has handpicked some of the best developer conferences and festivals worldwide. Visiting the biggest tech events isn't just about obtaining new skills – it’s about making new friends, getting fresh ideas, finding inspiration, boosting your confidence, and exploring new places, just to name a few.

Top Tech Events in 2024: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

New Year’s resolutions often center around achieving new goals. What are your resolutions this time? If you’re reading this passage, you’re undoubtedly striving to become a better professional! So, start the year off on the right foot and build upon what motivates you.

Top Tech Events in 2023: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Time flies so fast. It seems like quarter 3 has just started, but it has already come to an end. We hope this summer was filled with hotly discussed conferences, and that you enjoyed visiting some of them. Are you ready for another round of IT events that are an absolute must-visit? Here we go again!

Top Tech events in 2023: Quarter 3 Ultimate Guide

We've curated a lineup of the world's most impactful tech conferences, tailored to ignite your curiosity, fuel your ambition, and empower you with hands-on expertise. From AI to cybersecurity and cloud computing, you'll gain invaluable insights that will revolutionize your understanding of the ever-evolving digital landscape.

Top Tech events in 2023: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Are you searching for ways to get the most out of your code? Would you like to improve the security of your applications? Do you want to discover cutting-edge tools that can immediately be put to use? If the answer is “yes” – seize the opportunity and register to one of the upcoming tech events to gain valuable knowledge and experience. There is no better way to stay up-to-date with the latest trends and emerging technologies than listening to top-notch experts in the tech industry. We’ve carefully picked some of the world’s most impactful tech conferences to help you boost your skills, build relationships, and advance your career. Let’s get started!

Top Tech Events in 2023: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

Learn about upcoming tech events in 2023 across the world - become a better developer, designer, or product leader! In-person and virtual options listed.
Top Tech Events in 202Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Top Tech Events in 2022: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Learn about upcoming events for software developers, solution architects, product owners, CTOs, and tech enthusiasts! Free and paid options included.

Top Tech Events in 2021: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Top Tech Events in 2021 The Ultimate Guide by Redwerk Quarter 4: October, November, December Attending tech events is an excellent opportunity for IT experts to gain knowledge and establish new valuable connections. However, the pandemic changed everything and is still affecting the world: traveling became more complicated, while event organizers face numerous restrictions and

Top Tech Events in 2021: Quarter 2 Ultimate Guide

Top Tech Events in 2021 The Ultimate Guide by Redwerk: Part II The past 12 months revolutionized how people come together. In today’s new market, the landscape for events changes, bringing along the increase in demand for virtual ones. Considering how the pandemic situation is evolving, online engagement is a wise and safe option to