Code Review Checklist from Redwerk – All Steps Included

Ever wondered if your IT vendor did a good job and built a high-quality app? It’s easy to verify it with an independent code review. Code reviews conducted by external experts bring a fresh and unbiased perspective on your product’s quality. They scrutinize the code purely on merit, uncovering issues internal teams might miss.

Recruitment App Development – Features and Costs

Recruitment will always be top of mind for businesses of any size. But hiring and retaining talents takes a lot of work. Recruitment software can ease this burden by bringing order and automation to the hiring process. With the growing demand for recruitment software (projected to reach $3.5 billion by 2030), there’s a clear opportunity for innovative solutions in this market.

The Best Metaverse Business Ideas for 2024

It’s 2024, and the metaverse is officially dead, or is it? For sure, the concept was overhyped and didn’t leave up to its countless promises. Does it mean there are no profitable use cases left in the field? Absolutely not. Actually, technologies lying at the core of metaverse solutions, such as VR/AR, blockchain, and AI continue rapidly developing and open new business opportunities.

Top Tech Events in 2024: Quarter 1 Ultimate Guide

New Year’s resolutions often center around achieving new goals. What are your resolutions this time? If you’re reading this passage, you’re undoubtedly striving to become a better professional! So, start the year off on the right foot and build upon what motivates you.

IT Traveler with Carlos Sirias, CEO at Pernix Solutions

As a Ukraine-based company, we have a good understanding of how software development companies operate in our region. However, we were curious about business practices in other parts of the world. To explore this, we initiated interviews with successful CEOs and industry experts to gain fresh insights and share them with our readers.

Corporate Social Responsibility Report 2023

Welcome to our corporate social responsibility (CSR) report! As a responsible company, we stay committed to following sustainable business practices. While helping businesses launch pioneering solutions and grow through digital transformation lies at the core of what we do, we believe our impact is also determined by the difference we make in people’s lives and the footprint we leave on our planet.

Metaverse Use Cases: 15 Real-Life Examples Across Industries

The metaverse hype is over, but the industry is not standing still. Dozens of metaverse startups like Futureverse raised millions of dollars when the metaverse was no longer making waves. While Zuckerberg’s corporate metaverse turned out to be a disaster and a source of countless memes, other companies found more reasonable niches with a real interest in this innovative technology.

Top Tech Events in 2023: Quarter 4 Ultimate Guide

Time flies so fast. It seems like quarter 3 has just started, but it has already come to an end. We hope this summer was filled with hotly discussed conferences, and that you enjoyed visiting some of them. Are you ready for another round of IT events that are an absolute must-visit? Here we go again!

IT Traveler with Imal Hasaranga Perera, CEO at Treinetic

Welcome to another episode of IT Traveler with Redwerk’s founder, Konstantin Klyagin. Today, we’re chatting with Imal Hasaranga Perera, founder and CEO of Treinetic, to get insights into Sri Lanka’s burgeoning tech scene.

In-House vs Outsourced Software Development: What Factors to Consider

The world of software development is evolving at a very fast pace, with emerging challenges and dilemmas. So, you are about to start a new software project in this turbulent 2023, right? Sounds promising! However, a controversial question arises: would it be better to grow your own development team or outsource to a software development service?