Choose Your Customer Wisely: Tips for Outsourcing Vendors

Well, your company has already accomplished its ideal buyer persona by exploring everything – as it might seem – needs, preferences, and pains of your client base. Also, you, probably, think that it is a high time to mark this task as done and enjoy prosperous cooperation. Sorry to say, but you are wrong. Software
The Most Recent Ukrainian Technical Achievements

The Most Recent Ukrainian Technical Achievements

The Most Recent Ukrainian Technical Achievements On the 24th of August, all Ukrainians celebrate the most significant and major day in our country – Independence Day of Ukraine! This year we turn 27! For the time being, we have passed a long way in economic, political and technical areas, accomplishing many achievements that changed our
How Businesses Can Apply Computer Vision

How Businesses Can Apply Computer Vision

Computer vision is now one of the most rapidly developing digital processing approaches in the world. It uses different methods to solve thousands of specific tasks related to pattern recognition, image analysis, and image processing. With this technology, machines can find, track, classify and identify objects. Besides, along with finding regularities and patterns, it also

Software Development Technologies in Demand in California

To name one of the most promising and well-paid professions of our time is quite easy. As well as to identify one of the best countries for IT geeks – of course, this is the USA. Since the number of large corporations and startups is booming, and the demand for top talented professionals is growing, the vacancies in IT are multiplying rapidly and respectively. So it is not a big deal to find a job in a computer technologies sector in the US.

Top Tech Conferences Ultimate Guide, Quarter 3 2018

Right now, rock star CEOs like Elon Musk inspire generations to make new discoveries. We’d like to present you the list of events that would motivate you to create and achieve, and where you can earn new skills, knowledge and motivation.

EU GDPR Compliance Checklist: Redwerk’s Experience

Probably everyone has heard about GDPR, and many companies have already updated their online presence in compliance with the new rules. But if you are still not familiar with this innovation, Redwerk will clarify what’s happening. GDPR stands for General Data Protection Regulation that came into force on 25 May 2018 and was directed to

Software Development Technologies in Demand in Austria

Do you know that the oldest still-operating restaurant in the world St. Peter Stiftskeller was opened more than 1200 years ago in Austria? And this is only one of the fabulous facts about this country! Austria is also famous for its third place in the world by the number of Nobel Prize winners. And what about IT industry? Paying attention to the fact that about one-fourth of the population of Austria lives in Vienna, it is not surprising that the most of IT specialists are located exactly there and around 75% overall turnover in the field of information technology is carried in this city. With the well-developed market economy and high quality of life in Austria, its information technology industry is growing fast, so the demand for specialists rapidly increasing with every year.
What is Offshore Software Development and How to Manage it - Latest Trends / Redwerk blog

What is Offshore Software Development and How Does it Work?

Offshore software development makes sense, especially for smaller companies, because developing a product takes a lot of work. In-house teams are difficult to manage without an infusion of capital to cover costs. Deadlines are often missed and new features are slow to be implemented when small in-house teams are working tirelessly to push a product.
Top Tech Events by Redwerk, Q2 2018

Top Tech Conferences Ultimate Guide, Quarter 2 2018

Right now, rock star CEOs like Elon Musk inspire generations to make new discoveries. We’d like to present you the list of events that would motivate you to create and achieve, and where you can earn new skills, knowledge and motivation.
chatbot for SaaS

Chatbot For SaaS: Why Your Business Needs It

With the rising popularity of Artificial Intelligence, ways of doing business changed drastically. Therefore, if you’re a modern-day business owner or a SaaS provider, a good quality chatbot is basically a must for success. Fueled by AI, it’s becoming an indispensable part of customer service, occasionally being so good at it that your customers won’t