Software Development Technologies in Demand in Finland

Beyond being the homeland of Nokia and maybe some essential nuggets of geography, how much do you know about eastern Scandinavia? Well, Finland boasts the tech and startup scene rise in the recent years. And a growing number of digital companies needs a constant increase of qualified specialists...
5 Reasons to Love RxJava

5 Reasons to Love RxJava

Reactive Extensions (Rx) are a set of methods and interfaces that provide a rapid, easy to maintain and understand ways to solve Java developers problems. You got it right, Rx is a set of tools to help you write elegant yet simpler code. In case with Java, adding Rx library allows you to orchestrate multiple

Redwerk’s Report On Technologies in Demand in Massachusetts

Studying demand for software development technologies in the US, it’s hard to avoid Massachusetts as one of the leaders in creating tech workforce. No wonder – Harward, MIT, Boston University, and numerous other geeky colleges are situated in this state. Though nearly one in ten Massachusetts workers is employed in a tech field, programming continues

Software Development Technologies In Demand In Belgium

Following the demand for software development technologies around the globe, we’ve chosen Belgium for our recent research. In this infographics, we are sharing some interesting details on Belgian IT sphere and, as a good tradition, compare demand for the most popular technologies...
Swift vs Objective

Swift vs Objective-C. 10 Differences

On June 2nd, 2014, Apple unveiled a brand – new object-oriented programming language: Swift, a replacement for Objective-C, which had been up to that point the standard programming language for OS X and iOS application development. It was a bold move to outright change the main development language for such a popular platform; even so,

Redwerk’s Report On Software Development Technologies In Demand In Colorado

Since our customers are evenly distributed between Europe and the United States, we study demand for software development technologies on both sides of the pool. This time it’s the state of Colorado in the very middle of the North American continent that attracted our attention: Denver is a major center for larger enterprise businesses and
Infographic: software development technologies and software developers in demand in the Netherlands | Redwerk company research

Report on Software Development Technologies in Demand in the Netherlands

A new piece of our series about technologies in demand in the world’s the most known high-tech destinations. Today’s infographic is dedicated to one of the biggest European centers of tech and innovation – the Netherlands. Some of our biggest clients are from the Netherlands, and we know that this country has extremely high demand
Software developers in New York infographic

Redwerk’s Report On Software Development Technologies In Demand In New York

We continue revealing the secrets of technologies in demand in various high-tech destinations of the world. Today we are going to treat you with a detailed infographic about one of the biggest innovation centers of the USA – the New York State as well as about its innovation heart – New York City. We used

Scala vs Java 8: 10 Important Differences

Lots of Java developers love Scala and prefer it over Java either for new projects, components of existing Java projects or even performance-critical parts of existing Java modules. Thanks to that Scala has made its way to an enterprise world and is gaining popularity day by day.

Redwerk’s Report On Technologies In Demand In Canada

In these series we will be entertaining you with the latest news about the world of software development outsourcing, its technologies and practices. Do you guys like infographics? For there will be a plenty. We’ll start off by providing you with a research on technologies sought after by major IT companies and startups, comparing it