- November 20, 2018
- 15 min read
Docker is becoming the de facto standard in the container industry and its popularity is growing steadily from day to day. According to Docker, over 3.5 million applications have been placed in containers using Docker technology and over 37 billion containerized applications have been downloaded. You will be surprised, how many popular technologies are running in Docker: NGINX, Redis, Postgres, Elasticsearch, MongoDB, MySQL, RabbitMQ - and it is even not a full list!
- August 7, 2018
- 2 min read
To name one of the most promising and well-paid professions of our time is quite easy. As well as to identify one of the best countries for IT geeks – of course, this is the USA. Since the number of large corporations and startups is booming, and the demand for top talented professionals is growing, the vacancies in IT are multiplying rapidly and respectively. So it is not a big deal to find a job in a computer technologies sector in the US.
- July 19, 2018
- 8 min read
The first part of this article brought out the example of creating a model, and familiarized us with the most important steps in ML: data preparation, selection of trait, model training (selection of model parameters), and final evaluation of results (AUC, Precision, Recall, etc.)
- July 11, 2018
- 8 min read
Machine learning is applied to a wide range of business tasks - from detecting frauds to selecting the target audience and product recommendations, as well as monitoring production in real time, analyzing the tonality of texts and medical diagnostics. It can take over the tasks that can not be performed manually due to the huge amount of data to be processed. In case of a large set of data, machine learning sometimes reveals non-obvious dependencies that cannot be detected by an arbitrary rigorous manual examination. In this case, the combination of the set of such "weak" relations gives perfectly functioning forecasting mechanisms.
- May 21, 2018
- 2 min read
Do you know that the oldest still-operating restaurant in the world St. Peter Stiftskeller was opened more than 1200 years ago in Austria? And this is only one of the fabulous facts about this country! Austria is also famous for its third place in the world by the number of Nobel Prize winners.
And what about IT industry? Paying attention to the fact that about one-fourth of the population of Austria lives in Vienna, it is not surprising that the most of IT specialists are located exactly there and around 75% overall turnover in the field of information technology is carried in this city. With the well-developed market economy and high quality of life in Austria, its information technology industry is growing fast, so the demand for specialists rapidly increasing with every year.
- March 30, 2018
- 10 min read
What is blockchain? In the recent time, the blockchain technology has become increasingly popular on the Internet. Unfortunately, not so many people understand what is it. Blockchain is a child of a genius, known under the pseudonym of Satoshi Nakamoto. In the 2008’s publication, he defined his invention as a «peer-to-peer electronic cash system». He
- January 30, 2018
- 9 min read
When we hear “Ruby”, we frequently associate it with “Ruby on Rails”. Rails is a very functional and popular framework that is widely used for building APIs and web-applications. Rails consists of independent gems and ActiveRecord is one of them. This powerful gem simplifies operations with databases, allows to work with them in an object-oriented
- January 23, 2018
- 7 min read
Mentioning JNI lots of programmers subconsciously experience some unexplainable fear. JNI looks suspiciously difficult, and at first glance its mechanism resembles magic. However, those who looked closer into it highly appreciate its properties. If you haven’t heard about this technology, Java Native Interface or JNI is a standard Java mechanism that allows Java code to
- November 16, 2017
- 2 min read
Washington is considered to be one of the centers of information technology development. This state has the highest demand for IT professionals, the number of which exceeds tens of thousands. The number of jobs in IT is growing every year as the best companies and start-ups have a need in talented developers. According to various studies, Washington falls into the list of states, with the most qualified experts in the field of developing algorithms and programming in Python, Java, Ruby and C ++. Probably, the headquarters of Amazon, Zillow and Microsoft are not in vain located here.
- September 13, 2017
- 12 min read
Our company has been developing software for more than 12 years. And around a half of our projects are high-load multi-threaded distributed systems. Therefore, our developers use state-of-the-art technologies and latest frameworks in the process. In this article, we will focus on two recent frameworks mentioned Play, and ASP.NET Web API. Play Framework Lately, much