- June 20, 2019
- 18 min read
This May Redwerk team took our favorite pet SpamHound to Canada for another Collision conference round and, oh it went so well! Though the reported capacity of the event remained the same – 25 000 attendees, Toronto’s gathering looked much busier than the one last year. Toronto is the biggest city in Canada with over
- June 14, 2019
- 4 min read
Back in 2014, Estonia struck the whole world with news of being the first to create a system of electronic residency, available to businesses from any country anywhere in the world. Now, years later, it becomes more and more obvious that Ukrainian companies are one of the biggest enthusiasts of this program, and Redwerk is
- June 4, 2019
- 2 min read
Watch out for spoilers! Redwerk Kyiv office got featured in IMDB’s highest-rated TV series in history ‘Chernobyl’. The show tells the story of one of the worst man-made catastrophes in history that happened on the territory of Ukraine in 1986. A massive explosion at the Chernobyl Nuclear Power Plant released radioactive material across Ukraine, Belarus,
- May 10, 2019
- 2 min read
Sustainable *put a word here* is one of the hottest topics these days. Many people have heard about sustainability, less understand its principles and use them in everyday life. But talking about business needs, it might seem harder to implement, especially when it comes to conferences and exhibitions. Having started internal Go-Green initiative a few
- April 17, 2019
- 12 min read
The popularity of cloud configurations usage instead of self-hosted infrastructures is growing fast during the past years. Choosing to move to the cloud, companies get an existing physical infrastructure and from this point they do not need to think about updates, maintaining and other related things. This is a huge positive, which allows concentrating on
- April 10, 2019
- 14 min read
What Is Code Analysis? Probably everyone who is involved in software development understands how important code quality is. It affects how easy it is to maintain the code, understand it add new features, and of course, code quality has a significant impact on software quality. Since almost every developer has his own opinion on what
- April 3, 2019
- 19 min read
In the first part of the article, we briefly reviewed two popular search-as-a-services: Microsoft (MS) Azure Search and Elasticsearch. In this part, we will show in practice how to work with some commonly used features of Azure Search on the example of searching the restaurant. Overview of the Azure Portal and Creating Azure Search Resource
- March 28, 2019
- 13 min read
For many applications and websites, which obviously are not designed only to represent your business, the search function is one of the most important tools. Search can be a primary tool for customer interaction because it is a source of knowledge of what your users seek for on your site or application. By analyzing users
- March 15, 2019
- 5 min read
Pocket Lists is an iOS and web planning application to get your life in order. Attractive design, easy-to-navigate interface, and a real-life background of making up must-dos lists are behind this app. Simple as that it makes you more organized and progress in everything in your life. #1. No possibility of quick registration and authorization
- March 14, 2019
- 2 min read
Florida, the state or oranges and sunshine, is the southernmost state of the US which was founded in 1513 by Spanish explorer and conquistador Juan Ponce de León. He named this land La Florida in honor of Pascua Florida which is a Spanish Feast of the Flowers.
Florida attracts millions of tourists each year due to its famous Walt Disney World, Salvador Dali Museum, Everglades National Park, Daytona 500 Sports Arena, Kennedy Space Сenter and dozens of others. Legendary Universal Studios theme park is also located in Florida. A