Author: Dmitry Yerygin

Dmitry Yerygin

Development Team Lead at Redwerk

With degrees in Control Systems and Computer Engineering, Dmitry excels in creating robust software architectures. He brings over 20 years of tech expertise and blends analytical prowess with effective communication.

Recent posts by Dmitry

Code Review Checklist from Redwerk – All Steps Included

Code Review Checklist from Redwerk – All Steps Included

Ever wondered if your IT vendor did a good job and built a high-quality app? It’s easy to verify it with an independent code review. Code reviews conducted by external experts bring a fresh and unbi...

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How to Build E-Learning Solutions for Kids? Deborah B. Sorgi, AWE Learning

How to Build E-Learning Solutions for Kids? Deborah B. Sorgi, AWE Learning

The online education market continues to grow, and it’s predicted to reach about $239 bln by 2027. At the same time, it is dominated by e-learning solutions for students and adults. However, kids an...

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IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS: Examples and Difference

IaaS vs PaaS vs SaaS: Examples and Difference

The cloud computing market has been steadily growing over the last couple of years, and it is expected to reach a staggering $400 billion in revenue by 2022. The reason behind such widespread ad...

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MobX vs. Redux: Choosing The Right State Management Solution

MobX vs. Redux: Choosing The Right State Management Solution

When working with popular frameworks like React or Vue, we must organize convenient storage and manage the application state. For example, React allows one to manage the state of components out of t...

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Animations in Android Image Loaders: Comparison of Picasso, Glide, and Fresco

Animations in Android Image Loaders: Comparison of Picasso, Glide, and Fresco

A modern Android application is hard to imagine without image loaders. They take over the rough work of loading asynchronously, processing errors, displaying placeholders, caching, and transforming ...

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ASP.NET Core Advantages and Disadvantages

ASP.NET Core Advantages and Disadvantages

In continuation of the article where we discussed what is more appropriate for Docker containers: .NET Core or .NET Framework, let’s take a closer look at ASP.NET Core advantages and disadvantages. ...

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Best Free No-Code Mobile App Development Platforms

Best Free No-Code Mobile App Development Platforms

Sometimes there is a need for an app and no budget for custom development in a mobile app development company. Many small businesses and individual experts still need apps to promote their services. I...

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Azure Service Bus in .NET Core: Communication between microservices

Azure Service Bus in .NET Core: Communication between microservices

The topic of microservices architecture has become increasingly popular over the last couple of years. The reason behind it lies in numerous advantages that the modular architectural style brings to t...

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Asynchronous programming in Flutter

Asynchronous programming in Flutter

Building modern mobile apps is impossible without asynchronous code. Most of the tasks that an application has to perform, to one degree or another, require a long wait for the result of the operation...

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Glide vs Picasso vs Fresco: Android Image Loaders Review

Glide vs Picasso vs Fresco: Android Image Loaders Review

It is almost impossible to find a commercial Android application that does not use images in its interface. Downloading a picture into the corresponding View, despite the seeming simplicity of the ope...

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SQLite vs Realm vs ObjectBox: Complex data queries in Android databases

SQLite vs Realm vs ObjectBox: Complex data queries in Android databases

Development of a complex application is impossible without the use of databases that provide powerful functionality for storing, sorting and retrieving information. Their application in Android develo...

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Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture for .NET

Monolithic vs Microservices Architecture for .NET

This article is an introduction to developing microservices-based applications and managing them. It describes architectural design and implementation approaches using .NET Core and Docker containers....

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Best .NET CMS platforms

Best .NET CMS platforms

What is CMS? In today's world, the presence of a website is a must for almost every business. When you make a decision to create it, one of the early-stage questions will be whether to use an off-the...

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Structured logging in third-party .NET logging frameworks

Structured logging in third-party .NET logging frameworks

Logging is an essential and valuable part of software development. It becomes like a ‘must-have’ thing in any library or application. Logging can help to find problems and issues on any step of so...

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Azure Cache for Redis: Beginner’s Guide

Azure Cache for Redis: Beginner’s Guide

Applications and web services nowadays are the core of any business, so even small firms have their own sites or mobile apps. The latency that users experience to get some data profoundly impacts thei...

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Best Open Source Mobile App Development Software

Best Open Source Mobile App Development Software

The usage of smartphones has increased the need to develop mobile applications. As well as a growing competition on the market of mobile application development has given rise to a variety of framewor...

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ASP.NET Core SignalR Introduction

ASP.NET Core SignalR Introduction

ASP.NET Core SignalR is a library from Microsoft, which in particular provides developers with the ability to include real-time features into web applications. Although the first, which naturally come...

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Vue.js Review: Pros & Cons, Comparison

Vue.js Review: Pros & Cons, Comparison

If you are a Front-end developer, sooner or later, you will be thinking about starting to learn a particular JS framework. At that moment, we would say, the fear of making the wrong choice kicks in. Y...

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Kotlin Powered Android App: MVVM, Koin and Coroutines

Kotlin Powered Android App: MVVM, Koin and Coroutines

To build a high-quality application, one has to pay great attention to the app architecture, since its role is decisive. In fact, the most fundamental decisions that determine the structure and intera...

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TOP 8 Mistakes when Working with Django ORM

TOP 8 Mistakes when Working with Django ORM

Although ORMs are very useful for developers, abstracting access to a database comes at a price. Developers who decide to go deep into the database will find that some things could have been made easi...

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Flutter: Pros and Cons for App Development

Flutter: Pros and Cons for App Development

The mobile development market is rapidly gaining momentum in recent years. In 2019, it is expected that it will cover 2.5 billion users and more than 80 billion dollars with the prospect of further gr...

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Your Guide to Sage SDK

Your Guide to Sage SDK

Sage is a system of management solutions automation for small and medium enterprises. It is used in such industries as accounting, payroll, manufacturing, distribution, sales, education, and finance. ...

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Software Development Terms Vocabulary for Non-techies: Top-60 to Know

Software Development Terms Vocabulary for Non-techies: Top-60 to Know

Being a non-techie person in the tech world is getting harder and harder. Like that awkward moment when you’re talking to your development team and don’t get a single word even though you’re spe...

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Best Web Development Frameworks

Best Web Development Frameworks

Web development trends have evolved over the years. The tools, techniques, and languages that were used a decade ago are no more popular now. And, same is the case with the web development frameworks ...

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Reactive Programming in Swift (ReactiveX/RxSwift)

Reactive Programming in Swift (ReactiveX/RxSwift)

In this particular article we will try to answer such questions like: What is the reactive programming? What is the Functional Reactive Programming? What benefits we can get out of using Rx in our ap...

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State in React.js and Why to Use It

State in React.js and Why to Use It

Are you curious about React and want to learn its tricks? Maybe you’ve tried tutorials in the past, but struggled to understand State core concepts? Maybe you’re looking for a framework for your p...

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AWS vs Azure vs Google – Cloud Comparison

AWS vs Azure vs Google – Cloud Comparison

The popularity of cloud configurations usage instead of self-hosted infrastructures is growing fast during the past years. Choosing to move to the cloud, companies get an existing physical infrastruct...

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NDepend  – .Net Code Review Tool

NDepend – .Net Code Review Tool

What Is Code Analysis? Probably everyone who is involved in software development understands how important code quality is. It affects how easy it is to maintain the code, understand it add new featu...

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Azure Search Tutorial: First Steps and Basics

Azure Search Tutorial: First Steps and Basics

In the first part of the article, we briefly reviewed two popular search-as-a-services: Microsoft (MS) Azure Search and Elasticsearch. In this part, we will show in practice how to work with some comm...

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Azure Search or Elasticsearch: What’s Best for Your Application?

Azure Search or Elasticsearch: What’s Best for Your Application?

For many applications and websites, which obviously are not designed only to represent your business, the search function is one of the most important tools. Search can be a primary tool for customer ...

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Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft Azure Cognitive Services

Microsoft (MS) Azure is a cloud computing service provided by Microsoft, which counts over 600 services. In this article, we are going to talk about one of them - MS Azure Cognitive Services. What ar...

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How Long Does it Take to Build an App?

How Long Does it Take to Build an App?

Mobile applications have already overtaken desktop and web apps, so nowadays businesses are becoming more interested in building their own mobile apps as the primary way to interact with customers...

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.NET Core vs .NET Framework for Docker Containers

.NET Core vs .NET Framework for Docker Containers

Why Docker and what is it? Docker is becoming the de facto standard in the container industry and its popularity is growing steadily from day to day. According to Docker, over 3.5 million applicati...

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First Steps in Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure. Part 2

First Steps in Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure. Part 2

The first part of this article brought out the example of creating a model, and familiarized us with the most important steps in ML: data preparation, selection of trait, model training (selection of ...

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First Steps in Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure. Part 1

First Steps in Machine Learning with Microsoft Azure. Part 1

Machine learning is applied to a wide range of business tasks - from detecting frauds to selecting the target audience and product recommendations, as well as monitoring production in real time, analy...

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Top Mobile App Building Platforms and Tools

Top Mobile App Building Platforms and Tools

Let’s be honest, mobile applications became an integral part of our life. Whether it be a mobile version of catalogs and sites, business gliders, social networks, educational applications or uti...

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Android MVP Architecture: 4 Reasons to Use It

Android MVP Architecture: 4 Reasons to Use It

The flexibility of Android allows you to design application the way you feel comfortable. It gives developers both significant power to create great apps and issues with the difference in appr...

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A mysterious blockchain and Redwerk’s practical experience with it

A mysterious blockchain and Redwerk’s practical experience with it

What is blockchain? In the recent time, the blockchain technology has become increasingly popular on the Internet. Unfortunately, not so many people understand what is it. Blockchain is a child of...

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Typical Mistakes When Working with a Database in Ruby on Rails

Typical Mistakes When Working with a Database in Ruby on Rails

When we hear “Ruby”, we frequently associate it with “Ruby on Rails”. Rails is a very functional and popular framework that is widely used for building APIs and web-applications. Rails consist...

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JNI: 3 Reasons Why We Love It

JNI: 3 Reasons Why We Love It

Mentioning JNI lots of programmers subconsciously experience some unexplainable fear. JNI looks suspiciously difficult, and at first glance its mechanism resembles magic. However, those who looked clo...

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TDD vs BDD: Pros & Cons

TDD vs BDD: Pros & Cons

Within the last 12 years, our company has successfully realized dozens of projects, both big and small. During this time, development process has significantly revolutionized. Five years ago, the work...

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Scala Play vs ASP.NET Web API – Web Frameworks Comparison

Scala Play vs ASP.NET Web API – Web Frameworks Comparison

Our company has been developing software for more than 12 years. And around a half of our projects are high-load multi-threaded distributed systems. Therefore, our developers use state-of-the-art tech...

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5 Reasons to Love RxJava

5 Reasons to Love RxJava

Reactive Extensions (Rx) are a set of methods and interfaces that provide a rapid, easy to maintain and understand ways to solve Java developers problems. You got it right, Rx is a set of tools to hel...

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Swift vs Objective-C. 10 Differences

Swift vs Objective-C. 10 Differences

On June 2nd, 2014, Apple unveiled a brand - new object-oriented programming language: Swift, a replacement for Objective-C, which had been up to that point the standard programming language for OS X a...

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How to Crawl a Protected Website: In-Depth Look

How to Crawl a Protected Website: In-Depth Look

Web crawlers are programs for mass downloading and processing of Internet content. They are also often called “spiders,” “robots,” or even just “bots.” At its core, a crawler does the same...

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Scala vs Java 8: 10 Important Differences

Scala vs Java 8: 10 Important Differences

Lots of Java developers love Scala and prefer it over Java either for new projects, components of existing Java projects or even performance-critical parts of existing Java modules. Thanks to that ...

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The Drawbacks of Low-Fi Development or How to Recognize a Crap-Coder?

The Drawbacks of Low-Fi Development or How to Recognize a Crap-Coder?

There are lots of articles about the pros and cons of software outsourcing and using software development services instead of developing solutions in-house. We are not going to discuss this topic ...

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