The Pros and Cons of Python Programming Language

Python has become the go-to language for everything from web development to complex data analysis. According to the PYPL (Popularity of Programming Language Index), it is currently the most popular language worldwide. Its simplicity and versatility have made it a cornerstone of tech startups eager to build innovative software solutions. Instagram, Netflix, Shopify, and many other successful platforms capitalize on Python’s benefits. The question still remains though, is Python truly the perfect fit for your startup?

In this article, we’ll dive into the world of Python software development, exploring its strengths and weaknesses. As a software development agency with extensive hands-on experience in Python, we’ll provide you with the insights you need to decide whether Python is the right choice for your next big project.

Python Advantages

Python boasts several advantages that make it perfect for certain types of apps. Its simplicity, versatility, and extensive libraries empower developers to build robust solutions quickly and efficiently. Python also offers tools and community support to tackle projects of different complexity. Let’s have a closer look at Python’s strengths.

Simplicity and Readability

Code readability is a critical factor in software development. Python’s syntax is designed to be clear and intuitive, making it easier to write, understand, and maintain code. Python employs several key features to enhance readability:

  • Clear and Consistent Syntax: Python uses English-like keywords and operators, making it easy to follow the code’s logic.
  • Indentation: Python relies on indentation to define code blocks, creating a visually structured appearance. This reinforces code organization and makes it easier to identify code blocks.
  • Meaningful Keywords: Python’s keywords are descriptive and accurately represent their actions, improving code comprehension.
  • Emphasis on White Space: Python’s liberal use of whitespace enhances readability by separating code elements.

By prioritizing readability, Python has become a preferred language for many developers and organizations. If you want to learn how to write readable and manageable code, explore our Python code review checklist.

Notice the difference in syntax simplicity of Python versus Java:

Function Definition in Python

def greet(name):
  return "Hello, " + name

Function Definition in Java

public class Greeter {
    public static String greet(String name) {
        return "Hello, " + name;

Versatility and Multiple Paradigms

Another of Python’s pros is its ability to support multiple programming paradigms, which allows developers to tackle a wide range of problems with the most suitable approach. Here are the paradigms it supports:

  • Procedural Programming is a way to design programs by breaking them down into a sequence of instructions called procedures or functions. These are reusable blocks of code that perform specific tasks. Python supports this style naturally with its function definitions and calls.
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) organizes software design around data or objects rather than functions and logic. Python follows typical OOP principles like inheritance, polymorphism, and encapsulation.
  • Functional Programming uses functions and expressions to build computer programs without changing data or state. Python supports functional programming through features like higher-order functions, lambda expressions, and immutable data structures.

Extensive Standard Library and Third-Party Modules

Python’s extensive standard library and the vibrant third-party ecosystem significantly enhance its functionality.

Python’s standard library is a comprehensive collection of modules that ship with the language itself. It provides a solid foundation for building various applications, from simple scripts to complex software systems. It saves time and effort, allowing you to focus on your core business logic rather than dealing with low-level details.

Python’s standard library offers built-in tools to:

  • Handle core data types, such as lists, tuples, dictionaries, and sets
  • Handle files, directories, and file systems
  • Interact with the operating system
  • Perform calculations, from basic arithmetic to complex statistical analysis
  • Run several processes simultaneously
  • Test your code

While the standard library provides a solid foundation, the Python Package Index (PyPI) is where the real magic happens. It’s a repository of open-source software for Python that includes hundreds of thousands of components, such as programs, modules, packages, and frameworks. These modules cater to almost every conceivable programming need.

Python’s third-party modules allow it to:

  • Simplify web app development, by providing tools for routing, templating, database interaction, and more
  • Extract data from websites, automate web browsing, and interact with web pages programmatically
  • Easily send HTTP requests and interact with REST APIs
  • Automate tasks and schedule script execution

Integration Capabilities

One of Python’s benefits is its ability to easily integrate with other languages and technologies, such as C/C++, Java, and .NET. This helps in a number of ways. For example, you can optimize your Python app’s performance by offloading computationally intensive tasks to C/C++ extensions for speed. Another use case is when you need to integrate your Python solution with a legacy system written in another language.

Here’s a glimpse into Python’s integration capabilities:

  • C/C++ integration: Python can call C/C++ code directly, allowing developers to use performance-critical components written in these languages.
  • Java integration: Python can interact with Java code using tools like JPype and Py4J. This allows Python programs to leverage Java libraries and frameworks, which can be particularly useful in enterprise environments.
  • .NET Integration: Python can interface with .NET libraries using tools like Python.NET. This is useful for leveraging the rich ecosystem of .NET libraries and services.

Community and Support

Python has a large and active community. As of 2023, it was the third largest after Javascript and Java. This means you can expect clear and comprehensive guides on all aspects of the language. Finding step-by-step instructions for beginners and advanced users won’t be a problem either.

Source: Statista

This also means there are online forums and communities, where you can connect with other developers to share ideas and best practices. All of this contributes to faster problem-solving and professional growth.

Rapid Development and Prototyping

Python’s combination of readability, speed, and a vast ecosystem makes it a powerful tool for rapidly turning ideas into working prototypes. Need an MVP to test your product market fit? No problem! Using frameworks like Flask or Django, you can quickly build a basic web app and collect customer feedback.

Does your startup specialize in data analysis? Quickly explore datasets and visualize trends with libraries like Pandas and Matplotlib. Want to tap into machine learning? Python has you covered. You can experiment with algorithms and models using libraries like Scikit-learn or TensorFlow.

Python Disadvantages

Python offers many advantages, but it’s essential to consider its limitations for specific projects. Performance bottlenecks, high memory usage, and challenges in mobile or low-level programming can impact its suitability. By understanding these drawbacks, developers can make informed choices and leverage Python’s strengths effectively.

Performance Limitations

Python’s interpreted nature means it’s generally slower than compiled languages like C or C++. This is because Python code is translated into machine code line by line during execution, which adds processing time.

Python’s dynamic typing means that Python checks data types as code runs, which can be slower than checking them beforehand, as in static typing.

Also, Python has a locking mechanism called the Global Interpreter Lock (GIL) that ensures only one thread can run Python code at a time, even on multi-core processors. Modern CPUs have multiple cores to handle tasks simultaneously, but the GIL prevents Python from fully utilizing this potential.

Python might not be the optimal choice for applications that demand lightning-fast performance, such as real-time simulations.

There are several ways to tackle Python’s performance issues. The best approach depends on your project. You can write speed-critical code in C or C++, use specialized libraries like NumPy or SciPy, or consider implementations like PyPy with different approaches to managing threads.

Memory Consumption

Python’s flexibility comes at a cost: higher memory usage. This can be a significant issue for applications handling large datasets or complex calculations. Excessive memory consumption can slow your program or even cause it to crash.

Python stores extra information with each value, increasing memory needs. Additionally, Python’s automatic memory management (garbage collection) can be resource-intensive. Even simple data types require extra memory due to Python’s object-oriented nature. This can lead to memory fragmentation, further impacting performance.

Fortunately, there are techniques to manage Python’s memory usage, such as careful data structure selection, memory profiling, and using generators instead of lists.

Mobile Development Limitations

Python is not typically used for mobile app development. Languages like Swift for iOS and Kotlin for Android are preferred because they offer better performance and more robust frameworks.

Python is interpreted, which means it’s slower than compiled languages like Swift and Kotlin. Mobile apps often demand high performance for smooth user experiences. Python tends to use more memory than other languages, which can be a significant drawback on mobile devices with limited resources.

Python doesn’t offer direct access to platform-specific APIs and features, making it harder to build apps that seamlessly integrate with the device’s hardware and software. The development tools and IDEs for Python mobile development are less mature or extensive than those for Swift and Kotlin.

A hybrid approach, combining Python for the backend and native languages (Swift/Kotlin) for the frontend, can often yield optimal results. Python-powered backend handles server-side logic, data management, and API development, while the user interface and platform-specific features are built with Swift/Kotlin.
This approach allows you to utilize Python’s strengths, while ensuring optimal performance and user experience on the mobile device.

Dependency Management

Dependency management is the process of handling external code (libraries or packages) needed for your Python project. As projects grow, so does the complexity of managing these dependencies. Conflicting versions and compatibility issues can arise, especially in large projects with many interconnected packages.

To avoid problems, it’s crucial to isolate project dependencies. This prevents conflicts between different projects and ensures consistent environments. Tools like ‘virtualenv’, ‘pipenv’, and ‘poetry’ help create isolated environments, manage dependencies effectively, and reproduce project setups reliably.

Summary of Python Pros and Cons

Python’s strengths lie in its simplicity, versatility, and extensive ecosystem, making it an excellent choice for various applications. However, its performance limitations, memory consumption, and other drawbacks mean there may be better choices for performance-critical applications, mobile development, or low-level programming.


Simple and readable syntax


Slower performance


Multi-paradigm nature & versatility


Large memory consumption


Extensive standard library and third-party modules


Mobile development limitations


Vast integration capabilities


Intricate dependency management


Strong community and support


Runtime errors


Rapid development & prototyping


Open source license

What Are the Main Uses of Python?

Python is often associated with data science and machine learning, but it’s got a whole lot more to offer. This versatile language can tackle a wide range of tasks, thanks to its powerful tools and libraries. Like any language, Python has its strengths and weaknesses. Let’s dive into the many ways Python is used in the real world.

Web Development

Considering Python for web app development? That’s a sound decision. Python is good for web programming because it enables developers to build web applications faster than many other languages. With Python’s frameworks, such as Django, Flask, and FastAPI, developing a simple web app is a matter of 4-6 weeks.

Django is ideal for complex websites, offering built-in features like user authentication, database management, and admin panels. Flask is more flexible and perfect for smaller or highly customized apps. For example, we used Flask to develop MyJiraBot, a Telegram bot that allows users to retrieve Jira data, receive notifications, and schedule regular updates based on custom Jira filters.

Content management systems (CMS) and e-commerce platforms are typical applications built with Python. For example, we helped Justin Alexander, a luxury bridal fashion brand, completely redesign their CMS using Python. The new site integrates seamlessly with tools like Salesforce, Google Analytics, and Google Maps.

Data Science and Machine Learning

Python has become the de facto language for data science and machine learning. With Python, you can build models to forecast sales, customer churn, or stock prices. Or you can develop a fintech solution that will identify fraudulent transactions. Whether you need it for tapping into natural language processing or analyzing customer behavior, Python has a library just for your needs:

  • NumPy: Efficient numerical operations on large arrays and matrices
  • Pandas: Data structures and functions for data manipulation and analysis
  • Matplotlib: Static, animated, and interactive visualizations
  • Scikit-learn: Machine learning algorithms for classification, regression, clustering, and more
  • TensorFlow1 and Keras: Deep learning frameworks for building and training neural networks


Python’s simplicity and versatility make it an ideal tool for automating repetitive tasks. Python is a good candidate for file management: you can rename, move, copy, and organize files and directories efficiently. The same goes for data processing. If you need to extract data from various sources (CSV, Excel, databases), clean, transform, and load it into desired formats, Python is your language.

Mastering Python scripting can significantly boost productivity and efficiency in various domains. For example, you can automate social media posting, competitor analysis, and email campaigns. In finance, you can automate data collection, report generation, and risk analysis. Python scripts can be equally valuable for IT operations: automating system backups, software updates, and server monitoring.

Web Scraping

Web scraping is the process of extracting data directly from websites. This data can then be used for all sorts of things. Python makes web scraping a breeze with libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy. These tools are designed to navigate web pages, pull out specific information, and handle technical details.

While only some websites allow web scraping, many business models rely on this technology. For example, web scraping can simplify gathering data for academic studies, market research, or trend analysis. It’s used to track product prices on e-commerce websites for price comparisons or arbitrage opportunities.

Redwerk performed web scraping for gigmit, a platform for live music bookings. gigmit’s success as a business relies on up-to-date and relevant data, and we helped them get hold of contact information in a timely fashion so that their subscribers could see new opportunities and apply for those gigs. If done ethically, web scraping won’t disrupt the services or attract the attention of web admins.

Our Expertise in Python Development

Redwerk has a proven track record of delivering high-quality, scalable Python solutions for businesses in the e-commerce, entertainment, IT support, and cybersecurity industries. Our Python development services cover:

  • Custom Python Solutions: We’ll help you leverage Python’s capabilities for rapid development, scalability, and maintainability. We have in-house expertise to support you from concept to deployment.
  • Code Review: Examine your Python project for quality, efficiency, and adherence to best practices. With 8+ years of commercial experience, our Python engineers will help you identify vulnerabilities and performance bottlenecks. See how we helped Complete Network conduct an unbiased assessment of their codebase, resulting in an 80% increase in code maintainability.
  • Refactoring and Maintenance: Ensure ongoing functionality and security of your app with timely modernization. We’ll help you refactor outdated Python code to improve performance, readability, and maintainability.

At Redwerk, we’re committed to helping businesses make informed technology decisions. We understand that Python, while versatile, comes with its challenges. Our deep understanding of the language allows us to navigate these obstacles effectively and deliver exceptional results. Contact us today to book a free consultation, during which we’ll explore your needs and help you decide if Python is indeed the best choice for your project.


Is Python a good choice for web development?

Yes, Python is a fantastic choice for building web apps. It’s simple and easy to read and has a huge collection of frameworks and libraries to help you out. It’s versatile, too, handling everything from small personal projects to enterprise-level systems.

What are the main advantages and disadvantages of using Python?

Python’s main advantages are readability, versatility, a large and supportive community, and a rich ecosystem of libraries for almost every task imaginable. As for disadvantages, Python can be slower than compiled languages like C++ for computationally intensive tasks and more memory-intensive than some other languages. However, while Python has performance limitations, it’s often sufficient for many apps.

Can Python be used for both frontend and backend development?

Yes. While Python excels as a backend language, handling server-side logic, databases, and APIs, it can also manage a simple frontend. Django, designed initially as a full-stack framework, comes with a powerful templating system that allows you to build the frontend portion of your app. This makes it extremely convenient when you need to add a simple admin panel to a complex backend, for example.

While splitting web apps into frontend and backend components has become common, leading to Django being primarily used for backend development and APIs (with Django REST Framework), its ability to handle both frontend and backend makes it a great choice for MVPs and simpler projects.

How does Python compare to other languages like Java or C++?

Statically typed languages like Java are better suited for large-scale enterprise projects. While strict typing can make coding more cumbersome upfront, it significantly enhances the code’s reliability and maintainability in the long run.

On the other hand, Python’s flexibility allows for much faster development, making it an excellent choice for web development. However, this flexibility can sometimes make code harder to maintain and nearly impossible to build large-scale systems like banking software.

Are there certain projects for which Python is not recommended?

Although incredibly versatile, Python may not be the best fit for the following types of apps:

  • Real-time systems: Python’s interpreted nature and GIL can introduce latency
  • Embedded systems: IoT devices and microcontrollers have limited memory and processing power, whereas Python consumes much memory
  • Large-scale, high-performance computing: Its interpreted nature makes it slower
  • Mobile app development: While possible, Python mobile development frameworks are not as mature or widely adopted as native ones
  • Low-level system programming: Python’s high-level nature can make it difficult to interact directly with hardware components

See how we developed
a Python bot that delivers
Jira updates in real time

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