PHP Code Review Checklist: Tips for Secure & Scalable Code

Looking for a solution that will make your PHP project easier to maintain? Many PHP projects involve working with legacy code, which makes it harder to scale or add new features. This also increases the time and effort required to ensure working code, and that updates haven’t introduced new bugs.

More so, PHP is notorious for vulnerabilities like SQL injection, cross-site scripting (XSS), and cross-site request forgery (CSRF). These types of issues can compromise your app integrity as well as user data.

There’s good news though! You can mitigate these risks and ensure high software quality with rigorous code reviews. Code reviews offer an additional layer of oversight, ensuring that changes are made cautiously and thoughtfully, which is crucial when refactoring legacy code. Beyond that, code reviews foster collaboration, knowledge sharing, and adherence to coding standards.

In this article, we’ll provide a comprehensive PHP code review checklist, covering everything from security and performance optimization to maintainability and best practices. By following this checklist, you’ll ensure that your PHP app is built to last and scale with ease.

Preliminary Checks

Preliminary checks are essential to set the foundation for a thorough and effective code review process. This involves gathering necessary information, understanding the project requirements, and preparing the environment for a detailed review.

Understand Project Requirements and Architecture:

  • Review project documentation to understand the overall goals, functionalities, and architecture
  • Identify key components and modules that require a security review
  • Understand the data flow and interactions between different parts of the application
  • Identify any third-party integrations and dependencies

Collect Necessary Documentation and Codebase Access:

  • Ensure access to the latest version of the codebase in the version control system (e.g., Git)
  • Collect relevant documentation, including API specifications, database schemas, and configuration files
  • Obtain access to the project’s issue tracker or task management system to review reported bugs and feature requests
  • Ensure access to any automated test reports or continuous integration (CI) pipelines

Define Code Review Objectives and Scope:

  • Clearly outline the objectives of the code review, focusing on areas such as security, performance, and code quality
  • Define the scope of the code review, specifying which parts of the codebase will be reviewed
  • Establish success criteria and benchmarks for each aspect of the code review

Set Up Development and Testing Environment:

  • Prepare a development environment that mirrors the production setup to ensure accurate review results
  • Ensure all necessary tools and libraries are installed and configured correctly
  • Verify that the development environment has access to required resources, such as databases and external APIs
  • Set up a testing environment with the necessary data and configurations for running tests

Select Code Review Tools and Frameworks:

  • Choose appropriate tools for static code analysis, such as PHPStan, Psalm, or PHPCS
  • Ensure that the chosen tools are properly configured and integrated into the development environment
  • Prepare checklists and templates to guide the code review process

Review Coding Standards and Guidelines:

  • Ensure the code adheres to the organization’s coding standards and security guidelines
  • Verify that secure coding practices are followed throughout the codebase

Code Quality and Maintainability

Code quality matters because it allows you to catch bugs before they become bigger problems. Well-written code is easy to read and understand, eliminating the guesswork for both current and future developers. Here’s how to write code that’s organized and easy to maintain in the long run.

Compliance with Coding Standards:

  • Verify that the code follows the organization’s coding standards and guidelines, such as PSR-12
  • Ensure consistent use of indentation, spacing, and line breaks
  • Check for proper naming conventions for variables, functions, classes, and other identifiers
  • Ensure that code comments and documentation are present and follow the prescribed format
// Good: following naming conventions

// Variable
$customerName = "John Doe";
$accountBalance = 1500.00;

// Function
function calculateInterest($principalAmount, $interestRate) {
    return $principalAmount * $interestRate;

// Class
class UserAccount {
    private $accountBalance;

    public function __construct($initialBalance) {
        $this->accountBalance = $initialBalance;

    public function getBalance() {
        return $this->accountBalance;

// Constant
define('MAX_ATTEMPTS', 5);

// Bad: Disregarding naming conventions

// Variable
$x = "John"; // Not descriptive
$y = 1500; // Not clear

// Function
function f1($a, $b) { // Generic name and unclear parameters
    return $a + $b;

// Class
class useraccount { // Incorrect casing
    private $bal; // Not descriptive

    public function __construct($b) { // Not clear
        $this->bal = $b;

    public function getB() { // Unclear method name
        return $this->bal;

// Constant
define('maxattempts', 10); // Inconsistent casing

Code Readability and Clarity:

  • Ensure that the code is easy to read and understand, with clear and descriptive naming for variables and functions
  • Check for proper use of whitespace to separate logical sections of the code
  • Verify that code comments are used to explain complex logic and provide context where necessary
  • Ensure that code is free of commented-out code and unnecessary comments

Code Structure and Modularity:

  • Verify that the code is organized into well-defined modules, functions, and classes
  • Ensure that each module, function, or class has a single responsibility and follows the principle of separation of concerns
  • Check for proper use of namespaces and directory structures to organize code logically
  • Ensure that code files are of manageable size and not overly long
// This class is responsible for logging messages, ensuring it has a single responsibility
class Logger {
    public function log($message) {
        // Simulating logging the message
        echo "[LOG] " . $message . PHP_EOL;

// This class handles user authentication, separating the concern of authentication from logging
class UserAuthenticator {
    private $logger;

    public function __construct(Logger $logger) {
        $this->logger = $logger;

    public function authenticate($username, $password) {
        // Simulate authentication logic
        if ($username === 'user' && $password === 'pass') {
            $this->logger->log("User '$username' authenticated successfully.");
            return true;
        } else {
            $this->logger->log("Authentication failed for user '$username'.");
            return false;

// Usage example
$logger = new Logger();
$authenticator = new UserAuthenticator($logger);

// Attempt to authenticate
$authenticator->authenticate('user', 'pass'); // Success log
$authenticator->authenticate('user', 'wrong'); // Failure log

Proper Use of Functions and Methods:

  • Verify that functions and methods are used appropriately and follow best practices
  • Ensure that functions and methods are concise and perform a single task
  • Check for proper use of function and method parameters, including default values and type hints
  • Verify that functions and methods return meaningful values and handle edge cases

Code Duplication:

  • Identify and eliminate code duplication by refactoring repeated code into reusable functions or methods
  • Ensure that common functionality is abstracted into shared modules or libraries
  • Verify that code reuse follows best practices and does not introduce tight coupling between components

Consistent Error Handling:

  • Ensure that error handling is consistent across the codebase
  • Verify that exceptions are used appropriately and that try-catch blocks are implemented where necessary
  • Check that custom error messages are clear and informative
  • Ensure that error handling does not expose sensitive information or implementation details
// Good error message 
function apiRequest($url) {
    $response = file_get_contents($url);

    if ($response === FALSE) {
        throw new Exception("Error: Unable to fetch data from API. Please check the URL or your network connection.");

    return json_decode($response, true);

// Bad error message 
function apiRequest($url) {
    $response = file_get_contents($url);

    if ($response === FALSE) {
        throw new Exception("Error occurred.");

    return json_decode($response, true);

Documentation and Comments:

  • Verify that all public functions and methods are documented with docblocks, including descriptions of parameters and return values
  • Ensure that inline comments are used to explain complex logic and provide context
  • Check that comments are up-to-date and accurately reflect the code they describe
  • Ensure that documentation follows the prescribed format and conventions

Test Coverage:

  • Verify that unit tests are provided for all critical functions and methods
  • Ensure that tests cover a wide range of scenarios, including edge cases and error conditions
  • Check for the use of automated testing frameworks, such as PHPUnit, to validate code functionality
  • Ensure that tests are organized and follow a consistent structure

Code Maintainability Metrics:

  • Use static code analysis tools to assess code maintainability metrics, such as cyclomatic complexity, maintainability index, and technical debt
  • Identify high-complexity functions or methods and refactor them to improve readability and maintainability
  • Ensure that maintainability metrics are tracked over time to monitor code quality improvements

Modularization and Reuse:

  • Ensure that code is organized into reusable modules, classes, and functions
  • Verify that dependencies between modules are minimal and well-defined
  • Check for the use of design patterns that promote code reuse and maintainability, such as dependency injection and factory patterns

Consistent Code Formatting:

  • Verify that code formatting is consistent across the entire codebase
  • Ensure that automated code formatting tools, such as PHP-CS-Fixer or Prettier, are used to enforce formatting rules
  • Check for the use of consistent naming conventions and coding styles

Syntax and Language Constructs

As a PHP development company, we understand how crucial proper syntax is for the overall success of your PHP project. Proper syntax helps minimize runtime errors, enhance readability, and ensure consistent behavior across different PHP versions. It also helps prevent common vulnerabilities, such as SQL injection or XSS attacks.

Proper Use of PHP Tags:

  • Ensure the use of standard PHP tags (<?php … ?>) rather than short tags (<? … ?>) for better compatibility
  • Verify that PHP opening and closing tags are used correctly to delineate PHP code within HTML

Control Structures:

  • Check for proper use of control structures (if, else, elseif, switch, for, foreach, while, do-while)
  • Ensure that control structures are formatted consistently and include braces {} even for single statements to improve readability and reduce errors
  • Verify the use of switch statements for handling multiple conditions and ensure they include a default case

Function and Method Declarations:

  • Ensure that functions and methods are declared with appropriate visibility keywords (public, protected, private)
  • Verify the use of type hints for function and method parameters, as well as return types for better type safety and readability
  • Ensure that functions and methods have clear, descriptive names and follow naming conventions

Variable Declarations and Usage:

  • Check for proper initialization of variables before use
  • Ensure that variable names are meaningful and follow naming conventions
  • Verify that global variables are avoided where possible, and functions or methods use parameters to receive inputs

Constants and Magic Constants:

  • Ensure that constants are defined using the const keyword or the define() function
  • Verify the proper use of magic constants (e.g., __FILE__, __DIR__, __LINE__) and ensure they are used appropriately

String Manipulation:

  • Verify the correct use of single quotes ‘ and double quotes ” for strings
  • Ensure that complex strings and dynamic content are handled using proper string interpolation or concatenation
  • Check for the use of heredoc and nowdoc syntax for multi-line strings where appropriate
// Complex strings and dynamic content
$name = "Bob";
$age = 25;
$city = "Builderland";

$message = "Hello, my name is " . $name . ". I am " . $age . " years old and I live in " . $city . ".";
echo $message; // Output: Hello, my name is Bob. I am 25 years old and I live in Builderland.

// Heredoc syntax
$name = "Alice";
$age = 30;

$heredocString = <<<EOD
Hello, my name is $name.
I am $age years old.
This is a multi-line string using heredoc syntax.

echo $heredocString;
Hello, my name is Alice.
I am 30 years old.
This is a multi-line string using heredoc syntax.

// Nowdoc syntax
$nowdocString = <<<'EOD'
Hello, my name is $name.
I am $age years old.
This is a multi-line string using nowdoc syntax.
No variables are parsed here.

echo $nowdocString;
Hello, my name is $name.
I am $age years old.
This is a multi-line string using nowdoc syntax.
No variables are parsed here.

Arrays and Collections:

  • Ensure that arrays are declared and initialized correctly using the short array syntax []
  • Verify that array functions (e.g., array_merge, array_filter, array_map) are used appropriately and efficiently
  • Check for the use of array destructuring when assigning array values to variables

Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Constructs:

  • Ensure proper use of OOP principles, such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism
  • Verify the correct use of classes, interfaces, and traits
  • Check for the use of appropriate design patterns (e.g., Singleton, Factory, Strategy) where applicable

Namespaces and Autoloading:

  • Ensure that namespaces are used to organize code and prevent naming conflicts
  • Verify that classes and interfaces are correctly namespaced, and that they also follow PSR-4 autoloading standards
  • Check for the use of an autoloader, such as Composer, to handle class loading

Error Suppression:

  • Ensure that error suppression operator @ is not used to hide errors, as it can mask potential issues
  • Verify that errors are handled using proper error handling mechanisms (e.g., try-catch blocks, error handling functions)
// Using try-catch to handle errors
$url = ""; // Example API URL

try {
    $data = fetchDataFromApi($url);
    return $data;
} catch (Exception $e) {
    // Handle the error gracefully
    return "An error occurred: " . $e->getMessage();

Type Declarations:

  • Check for the use of scalar type declarations (e.g., int, float, string, bool) for function parameters, method parameters, and return types
  • Ensure that type declarations are used consistently to enforce type safety and improve code readability

Language Features and Constructs:

  • Verify the use of newer PHP language features, such as anonymous functions, arrow functions, and null coalescing operators ??
  • Ensure that language constructs (e.g., include, require, echo, print) are used correctly and appropriately
  • Check for the use of alternative syntax for control structures in templating (e.g., endif, endforeach)
// Using null coalescing operator to provide a default value 
$name = $user['name'] ?? 'Guest';

Deprecated and Obsolete Features:

  • Ensure that deprecated or obsolete PHP features and functions are not used
  • Verify that the code is compatible with the targeted PHP version and does not rely on features removed in newer versions

Code Consistency:

  • Check for consistent use of language constructs and syntax throughout the codebase
  • Ensure that coding style and syntax are aligned with the organization’s coding standards and guidelines

Security Best Practices

PHP remains as one of the most widely used server-side scripting languages for building web apps, powering over 75% of websites with known server-side languages. However, its popularity also makes it a frequent target for cyberattacks. Following security best practices in PHP projects is necessary to protect user data, maintain system integrity, and safeguard your app’s reputation.

Input Validation and Sanitization:

  • Ensure all user inputs are validated and sanitized to prevent injection attacks
  • Use built-in functions like filter_var() for input validation
  • Validate and sanitize inputs on both client and server sides
// Sanitizing a string input from a POST request
$name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name', FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING);

// Sanitizing an email input
$email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email', FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);

// Usage example
echo "Name: " . htmlspecialchars($name, ENT_QUOTES) . "
"; echo "Email: " . htmlspecialchars($email, ENT_QUOTES);

SQL Injection Prevention:

  • Ensure that SQL queries are prepared statements using PDO or MySQLi to prevent SQL injection
  • Verify the use of parameterized queries and bind parameters correctly
  • Avoid constructing SQL queries directly with user input

Cross-Site Scripting (XSS) prevention:

  • Escape all output that includes user-generated content using htmlspecialchars() or htmlentities()
  • Ensure proper encoding of data before it is rendered in HTML, JavaScript, or other contexts
  • Validate and sanitize inputs to remove potentially malicious code

Cross-Site Request Forgery (CSRF) Protection:

  • Implement CSRF tokens for forms and state-changing requests to prevent CSRF attacks
  • Verify that CSRF tokens are generated, validated, and managed securely
  • Use frameworks or libraries that provide built-in CSRF protection

Authentication and Session Management:

  • Ensure that your password storage follows best practices, using strong hashing algorithms like bcrypt or Argon2
  • Verify the implementation of secure authentication mechanisms, such as multi-factor authentication (MFA)
  • Use secure session management practices, including regenerating session IDs on login and using HttpOnly and Secure flags for cookies
// Using bcrypt
$hashedPassword = password_hash($password, PASSWORD_BCRYPT);
$inputPassword = "my_secure_password";

if (password_verify($inputPassword, $hashedPassword)) {
echo "Password is valid!";
} else {
echo "Invalid password.";

Access Control and Authorization:

  • Implement role-based access control (RBAC) or other authorization mechanisms to restrict access to sensitive resources
  • Verify that access controls are enforced server-side for all protected resources
  • Ensure that authorization checks are performed consistently across the application

Error Handling and Logging:

  • Ensure that error messages do not reveal sensitive information or internal logic
  • Log security-relevant events, such as failed login attempts and access violations
  • Verify that logs are stored securely and protected from unauthorized access

File Handling and Uploads:

  • Ensure that file uploads are validated and sanitized, checking file type, size, and content
  • Store uploaded files outside the web root to prevent direct access
  • Use random file names and directories to prevent directory-traversal attacks

Configuration and Deployment:

  • Ensure that sensitive configuration data, such as database credentials and API keys, are stored securely and not hardcoded
  • Verify that error reporting is disabled in production environments (display_errors set to Off)
  • Use environment variables or configuration files to manage sensitive data securely

Encryption and Data Protection:

  • Ensure that sensitive data is encrypted both in transit and at rest
  • Use TLS/SSL to encrypt data transmitted over the network
  • Verify the secure handling and storage of encryption keys

Dependency and Library Management:

  • Ensure that third-party libraries and dependencies are regularly updated to the latest secure versions
  • Verify the use of trusted sources for downloading libraries and packages
  • Monitor and address vulnerabilities in third-party components using tools like Composer’s security-checker or npm audit

Security Testing and Auditing:

  • Conduct regular security testing, including penetration testing and code reviews, to identify and address vulnerabilities
  • Use automated security tools, such as static code analyzers and vulnerability scanners, to detect potential issues
  • Implement a process for responding to security incidents and vulnerabilities, including patch management and disclosure policies

Performance Optimization

Optimize your PHP app to ensure smooth performance, even under heavy traffic. This leads to a better user experience and improved search engine rankings. Fast loading times directly impact conversions. Cloudflare data shows that a website loading in 2.4 seconds converts nearly twice as well as one taking 4.2 seconds. Slow websites frustrate users, causing them to leave quickly and reducing their engagement.

Efficient Use of Loops and Conditions:

  • Ensure that loops are optimized and unnecessary iterations are avoided
  • Use foreach instead of for loops when iterating over arrays for better performance
  • Avoid nested loops if possible, and consider using algorithms with better time complexity
  • Simplify conditional statements and avoid redundant conditions
// Using for loop
$fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date"];
echo "Using for loop:
"; for ($i = 0; $i < count($fruits); $i++) { echo $fruits[$i] . "
"; } // Equivalent example with foreach $fruits = ["Apple", "Banana", "Cherry", "Date"]; echo "Using foreach loop:
"; foreach ($fruits as $fruit) { echo $fruit . "
"; }

Database Query Optimization:

  • Ensure that database queries are optimized and use indexes effectively
  • Avoid using SELECT *; specify only the required columns
  • Use prepared statements and parameterized queries for efficiency and security
  • Batch database operations where possible to reduce the number of queries
  • Ensure that complex queries are analyzed and optimized, using EXPLAIN to understand query performance

Caching Mechanisms:

  • Implement caching strategies to reduce the need for repeated data fetching and computation
  • Use opcode caching with tools like APCu or OPcache to cache PHP bytecode
  • Implement data caching using technologies like Redis or Memcached
  • Cache static content and frequently accessed data to improve response times

Optimizing File Handling:

  • Ensure that file operations are minimized and optimized for performance
  • Use file caching mechanisms to reduce disk I/O
  • Avoid reading large files into memory all at once; process them in chunks instead
  • Ensure that file paths are resolved efficiently, avoiding unnecessary filesystem operations

Code Execution and Memory Management:

  • Ensure that code is optimized for efficient execution, avoiding redundant calculations and operations
  • Use built-in PHP functions and libraries, which are often more efficient than custom implementations
  • Optimize memory usage by freeing up unused resources and variables
  • Use lazy loading and deferred execution techniques to improve performance

Minimizing Network Overhead:

  • Optimize network operations by reducing the number of external requests
  • Use persistent connections for repeated network communications
  • Compress data before transmitting it over the network to reduce payload size
  • Implement asynchronous requests where possible to improve responsiveness

Optimizing Session Management:

  • Ensure that session management is efficient and does not cause performance bottlenecks
  • Store session data in optimized storage, such as Redis, instead of default file-based sessions
  • Use session locking mechanisms to prevent race conditions and improve performance

Using Asynchronous Processing:

  • Offload long-running tasks to background processes or job queues to improve responsiveness
  • Use tools like RabbitMQ, Beanstalkd, or Laravel Queue for managing asynchronous tasks
  • Ensure that asynchronous tasks are monitored and managed efficiently

Efficient Use of Object-Oriented Programming (OOP):

  • Ensure that OOP principles are applied correctly to improve code maintainability and performance
  • Use inheritance, interfaces, and traits judiciously to avoid performance overhead
  • Optimize the use of class autoloading to reduce the impact on performance

Optimizing Asset Delivery:

  • Minimize and concatenate CSS and JavaScript files to reduce the number of HTTP requests
  • Use content delivery networks (CDNs) to serve static assets more efficiently
  • Implement lazy loading for images and other media to improve initial load times
  • Compress and optimize images and other assets to reduce file sizes

Profiling and Monitoring:

  • Use profiling tools like Xdebug, Blackfire, or New Relic to identify performance bottlenecks in the code
  • Monitor application performance in real-time to detect and address issues proactively
  • Set up alerts for performance thresholds to ensure timely response to performance degradation
  • Continuously analyze performance metrics and optimize the application based on findings

Load Testing and Scalability:

  • Conduct load testing to understand how the application performs under different levels of traffic
  • Ensure that the application can scale horizontally and vertically to handle increased loads
  • Use load balancing and clustering techniques to distribute traffic efficiently
  • Optimize database scalability by implementing replication, sharding, or partitioning
  • SELECT *

Database Interaction

The database is the heart of most PHP applications, regardless of whether it’s e-commerce, SaaS, or an enterprise solution. It stores and manages vital data. As your app grows, the volume of data and the number of users will increase. Effective database interactions ensure your app can handle this growth without performance bottlenecks and security loopholes.

Use of Prepared Statements:

  • Ensure that all SQL queries use prepared statements to prevent SQL injection attacks
  • Verify the use of parameterized queries for all user inputs
// User registration with prepared statements
// Step 1: Database connection
$dsn = 'mysql:host=localhost;dbname=testdb;charset=utf8';
$username = 'root';
$password = 'your_password';

try {
    $pdo = new PDO($dsn, $username, $password);
} catch (PDOException $e) {
    die('Connection failed: ' . $e->getMessage());

// Step 2: User registration
// User data
$username = "user123";
$password = "securepassword";

// Prepare and execute the SQL statement
$stmt = $pdo->prepare("INSERT INTO users (username, password) VALUES (:username, :password)");
    ':username' => $username,
    ':password' => password_hash($password, PASSWORD_DEFAULT) // Hashing the password

echo "User registered successfully.";

Database Connection Management:

  • Ensure that database connections are managed efficiently, with proper opening and closing of connections
  • Use connection pooling or persistent connections where appropriate to improve performance
  • Verify that database credentials are securely stored and not hardcoded in the source code

Efficient Query Design:

  • Ensure that SQL queries are optimized and use indexes effectively to improve performance
  • Avoid using SELECT *; specify only the required columns
  • Use joins instead of subqueries where possible to enhance query performance
  • Ensure that queries are analyzed and optimized using tools like EXPLAIN

Error Handling in Database Operations:

  • Implement proper error handling for database operations, using try-catch blocks to handle exceptions
  • Ensure that error messages do not expose sensitive information or database schema details
  • Log database errors securely for monitoring and debugging purposes

Data Validation and Sanitization:

  • Ensure that all user inputs are validated and sanitized before being used in SQL queries
  • Use built-in PHP functions and libraries to sanitize data and prevent injection attacks
  • Validate data types and lengths to match the database schema requirements

Transaction Management:

  • Use database transactions to ensure data integrity and consistency for critical operations
  • Implement proper handling of transactions, including commit and rollback mechanisms
  • Ensure that nested transactions are managed correctly to avoid partial updates

Indexing and Performance Optimization:

  • Ensure that appropriate indexes are created and maintained for frequently queried columns
  • Verify that indexes are used effectively in SQL queries to enhance performance
  • Monitor and analyze query performance regularly to identify and address bottlenecks

Normalization and Denormalization:

  • Ensure that database tables are properly normalized to eliminate data redundancy and improve data integrity
  • Use denormalization judiciously for performance optimization, ensuring that it does not compromise data integrity

Stored Procedures and Functions:

  • Verify the use of stored procedures and functions for complex or frequently executed queries
  • Ensure that stored procedures and functions follow best practices for security and performance
  • Implement proper error handling and logging within stored procedures and functions

Data Integrity and Constraints:

  • Ensure that data integrity constraints, such as primary keys, foreign keys, and unique constraints, are correctly defined and enforced
  • Use check constraints and triggers where appropriate to enforce business rules and data validation
  • Regularly review and update constraints to match evolving business requirements

Backup and Recovery:

  • Ensure that regular backups of the database are performed and securely stored
  • Verify that backup and recovery processes are tested periodically to ensure data can be restored in case of failure
  • Implement strategies for point-in-time recovery and disaster recovery planning

Security and Access Control:

  • Ensure that database user accounts have the minimum required privileges to perform their tasks
  • Use role-based access control (RBAC) to manage database permissions and access levels
  • Regularly review and update access controls to ensure they align with security policies

Monitoring and Profiling:

  • Implement monitoring tools to track database performance, usage patterns, and query execution times
  • Use profiling tools to identify slow queries and optimize them for better performance
  • Set up alerts for abnormal database activities, such as spikes in query execution times or failed login attempts

Data Migration and Schema Changes:

  • Ensure that data migration scripts are thoroughly tested and follow best practices for schema changes
  • Use version control for database schema changes to track and manage modifications
  • Implement rollback mechanisms for schema changes to handle failures gracefully

Error Handling and Logging

Errors are inevitable. Without proper error handling, debugging can become a time-consuming and frustrating process. That’s why effective error handling and logging are crucial for developing and maintaining any PHP project. Detailed error messages & logs provide invaluable clues for developers to quickly identify and fix bugs.

Consistent Error Handling:

  • Ensure that errors are consistently handled throughout the application using try-catch blocks
  • Verify that custom error handlers are implemented to catch and handle different types of errors
  • Ensure that all potential error conditions are anticipated and managed appropriately

Meaningful Error Messages:

  • Ensure that error messages are clear, concise, and informative without exposing sensitive information
  • Verify that error messages provide enough context to help diagnose and resolve the issue
  • Ensure that user-facing error messages are user-friendly and do not reveal internal application details

Use of Exceptions:

  • Ensure that exceptions are used appropriately for error handling instead of generic error codes
  • Verify that custom exceptions are defined and used for specific error conditions
  • Ensure that exceptions are caught and handled at appropriate levels to prevent application crashes

Graceful Degradation:

  • Ensure that the application can gracefully degrade in case of non-critical errors, maintaining partial functionality where possible
  • Verify that fallback mechanisms are implemented to handle temporary failures, such as retry logic or alternative workflows

Error Logging:

  • Ensure that all critical errors are logged with sufficient detail for troubleshooting
  • Verify that error logs include relevant information such as timestamps, error messages, stack traces, and user context
  • Ensure that logging levels (e.g., INFO, DEBUG, ERROR) are used appropriately to differentiate between types of log messages

Sensitive Information Protection:

  • Ensure that sensitive information, such as passwords, API keys, and personal data, is not included in error messages or logs
  • Verify that logs are sanitized to remove or mask any sensitive information before storage

Log Storage and Management:

  • Ensure that logs are stored securely with appropriate access controls to prevent unauthorized access
  • Verify that log files are rotated and archived to manage disk space and maintain performance
  • Ensure that log retention policies are defined and followed, complying with relevant regulations and requirements

Monitoring and Alerting:

  • Implement monitoring tools to track error rates and log entries in real-time
  • Set up alerts for critical errors or abnormal patterns in the logs to enable prompt response
  • Ensure that monitoring and alerting systems are tested regularly to confirm their effectiveness

Integration with External Logging Services:

  • Verify that logs can be exported to external logging services, such as ELK Stack, Splunk, or Loggly, for centralized analysis
  • Ensure that integration with external logging services is secure and follows best practices for data transmission

Automated Error Reporting:

  • Implement automated error reporting mechanisms to capture and report errors to developers or support teams
  • Verify that automated reports include sufficient context and detail to facilitate debugging and resolution
  • Ensure that automated reporting respects user privacy and complies with data protection regulations

Error Tracking and Resolution:

  • Use error tracking tools, such as Sentry or Rollbar, to aggregate and track errors over time
  • Verify that errors are categorized and prioritized for resolution based on their impact and frequency
  • Ensure that a process is in place for reviewing and addressing logged errors in a timely manner

Testing Error Handling:

  • Ensure that error handling mechanisms are thoroughly tested, including edge cases and unexpected conditions
  • Use unit tests and integration tests to verify that errors are correctly handled and logged
  • Validate the effectiveness of error handling during load testing and performance testing scenarios

Version Control and Collaboration

In modern PHP development, version control and collaboration are essential for building reliable, scalable, and maintainable applications. They ensure that teams can work together efficiently, track changes, and manage project growth without chaos or conflict.

Use of Version Control System (VCS):

  • Ensure that a VCS, such as Git, is used for managing the codebase
  • Verify that the repository is correctly initialized and configured, with a .gitignore file to exclude unnecessary files
  • Ensure that all team members use the VCS consistently for code changes

Branching Strategy:

  • Ensure that a branching strategy, such as Git Flow, GitHub Flow, or trunk-based development, is defined and followed
  • Verify that feature branches, hotfix branches, and release branches are used appropriately
  • Ensure that branches are named consistently and descriptively

Commit Practices:

  • Verify that commits are small, focused, and represent a single change or feature
  • Ensure that commit messages are clear, concise, and follow a consistent format (e.g., Conventional Commits)
  • Check for meaningful commit messages that describe the purpose and impact of the change
  • Ensure that commits are signed and verified, if required for the project

Code Reviews and Pull Requests:

  • Ensure that all code changes are reviewed through pull requests (PRs) before being merged into the main branch
  • Verify that PRs include a clear description of the changes, associated issue numbers, and any relevant context
  • Ensure that code reviews focus on code quality, functionality, security, and maintainability
  • Verify that feedback from code reviews is addressed before the PR is merged

Merge Practices:

  • Ensure that branches are up-to-date with the target branch before merging
  • Verify that merge commits are used to maintain a clear history, or use rebase and squash strategies if preferred
  • Ensure that conflicts are resolved appropriately and tested before completing the merge

Tagging and Releases:

  • Verify that tags are used to mark important commits, such as releases or major milestones
  • Ensure that tags follow a consistent naming convention and semantic versioning (e.g., v1.0.0, v2.1.0)
  • Ensure that release notes are created and maintained for each tagged release

Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD):

  • Ensure that a CI/CD pipeline is in place to automate testing, building, and deployment processes
  • Verify that the CI/CD pipeline is triggered by code changes, such as commits or PR merges
  • Ensure that automated tests, security scans, and other checks are included in the CI/CD pipeline

Collaboration Tools:

  • Verify that collaboration tools, such as issue trackers (e.g., Jira, GitHub Issues) and project management tools (e.g., Trello, Asana), are used effectively
  • Ensure that issues, tasks, and feature requests are tracked and managed consistently
  • Verify that project boards, milestones, and sprints are used to organize and prioritize work


  • Ensure that version control practices and collaboration guidelines are documented and accessible to the team
  • Verify that the repository includes a README file with project overview, setup instructions, and contribution guidelines
  • Ensure that documentation is updated regularly to reflect changes in processes and practices

Backup and Recovery:

  • Verify that the repository is regularly backed up to prevent data loss
  • Ensure that backup strategies include offsite storage and version history retention
  • Test the recovery process to ensure that the codebase can be restored in case of data loss

Access Control and Security:

  • Ensure that access to the repository is controlled and limited to authorized team members
  • Verify that permissions are set appropriately for different roles (e.g., read, write, admin)
  • Ensure that sensitive information, such as API keys or passwords, is not stored in the repository

Audit and Compliance:

  • Verify that the version control history provides a clear and traceable record of changes
  • Ensure that code changes are audited regularly to ensure compliance with coding standards and security policies
  • Maintain an audit trail of code reviews, approvals, and merges for accountability

Why Choose Redwerk for Your PHP Project

Since 2005, Redwerk has been developing custom software solutions, including robust PHP projects. One outstanding example is our work with Muskelhirn, a German recruitment agency. We helped them build a user-friendly hiring website that connects skilled international workers with companies across Germany.

In our partnership with Northeastern University, we built a dedicated brand governance website. This platform, equipped with an intuitive block editor, allows university experts to easily manage brand guidelines and marketing materials. This project was accomplished by rewriting their existing portal. We used a custom, Gutenberg-compatible framework to simplify content publishing and website maintenance.

Here’s what we can do for you:

  • PHP Code Review & Refactoring: We’ll analyze and help you improve your existing PHP code for better performance, maintainability, and security.
  • Bug Fixing & Security Patching: We can help you fix all the bugs and security vulnerabilities we described in your code review report.
  • Custom PHP Development: With us, building custom PHP applications tailored to your specific business requirements is fast and stress-free. Our managed services take care of deadlines, foresee risks, while ensuring our PHP developers are happy and productive.
  • PHP Application Maintenance: We can keep your PHP applications running like clockwork with ongoing support and updates.

Would you like to know how fast we can start and get a free estimation of your project? Let’s chat! Contact us today to tell us more about your project and schedule an intro call.

See how we helped Northeastern University rebuild their brand center portal, simplifying content publishing across 3,000 faculties

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