Author: Kristina Savchenko

Kristina Savchenko

Project Manager and Business Analyst

With her hands-on experience in managing diverse IT projects, Kristina is adept at making complex tasks seem easy. Authentic and straightforward, she excels in identifying and addressing business needs, skillfully connecting them with IT solutions, and ensuring successful project outcomes.

Recent posts by Kristina

Redwerk Honored with IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 Award for 2024

Redwerk Honored with IAOP Global Outsourcing 100 Award for 2024

In software development, where innovation and excellence are the core values of successful businesses, top companies must stand out for dedication and customer experience. For almost 20 years, we’ve...

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In-House vs Outsourced Software Development: What Factors to Consider

In-House vs Outsourced Software Development: What Factors to Consider

The world of software development is evolving at a very fast pace, with emerging challenges and dilemmas. So, you are about to start a new software project in this turbulent 2023, right? Sounds promis...

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Specification In Software Development And Project Estimation

Specification In Software Development And Project Estimation

  It’s important for your software development team to have as much information as possible about your future product in order to provide accurate estimates. Sometimes a feature that seems mi...

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Improper Tools Selection: Workflow Software

Improper Tools Selection: Workflow Software

“When a man only has a hammer, every problem looks like a nail,” says Abraham Maslow Right from the start, let us stray off the main topic just a bit. Bef...

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Project Manager vs Business Analyst: The Difference

Project Manager vs Business Analyst: The Difference

As the line in roles gets blurred in the modern workforce, it is difficult to say with certainty what a vacancy entails. Nowadays, job descriptions vary in specific companies: what a project ...

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How to Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

How to Build a Minimum Viable Product (MVP)

An MVP (Minimum Viable Product) is a product equipped only with basic features that should be enough to meet the needs of early adopters and attract their attention. For instance, it can be a to...

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Redwerk + Microsoft: How We Implement the Time-Proven Standards

Redwerk + Microsoft: How We Implement the Time-Proven Standards

If we look back at 2020, one thing is certain: the year is one for the history books. Yet it also goes down in Redwerk history, albeit for brighter reasons. The year marked a significant miles...

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Top tools Project Managers use for remote work in 2024: Redwerk edition

Top tools Project Managers use for remote work in 2024: Redwerk edition

The coronavirus pandemic has shaken the entire world, making businesses look for ways to transfer all their operations online without decreasing their employee productivity and profit margins. Tho...

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How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Your Project

How to Choose the Right Tech Stack for Your Project

Software development is a complicated matter. Each project is primarily the concept and the people that bring this concept to life. Deadlines, resources, and of course, technologies, are usually defin...

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Managing Your Offshore Team

Managing Your Offshore Team

You’ve decided that outsourcing was in the company’s best interest and have hired an offshore team. The contract is signed, the SLA is carefully worked out, the transition period is over - the v...

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Working with Remote Customers: Tips for Outsourcing Companies

Working with Remote Customers: Tips for Outsourcing Companies

At the age of computer technologies, we can erase all boundaries and easily contact each other anytime and anywhere via the Internet. Given this fact nowadays more and more businesses are becoming int...

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What is Offshore Software Development and How Does it Work?

What is Offshore Software Development and How Does it Work?

Offshore software development makes sense, especially for smaller companies, because developing a product takes a lot of work. In-house teams are difficult to manage without an infusion of capital to ...

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