Sustainable *put a word here* is one of the hottest topics these days. Many people have heard about sustainability, less understand its principles and use them in everyday life. But talking about business needs, it might seem harder to implement, especially when it comes to conferences and exhibitions.

Having started internal Go-Green initiative a few years ago, we did a lot of research on eco-friendlier office maintenance and improvements in our work processes as well. Sustainability is not only about using less plastic or bio detergents. It is about decreasing of an environmental footprint and includes aspects like using renewable energy, creating less trash, recycling and what’s more important – do not purchase or produce unnecessary things.

May to August considered being the most loaded conference season. Companies concentrate their efforts on maximizing the results from attending each and every event leaving common sense behind.

The bigger the gathering, the less we think about the environmental outcome. You can notice it at every conference ending – trash bins, tables and basically every flat surface are covered in brochures, leaflets, and stickers. Hundreds of extra T-Shirts, straps, and squishes end up at wastes. Fully digital businesses create very material junk – that’s basically a hell of sustainability and, also, additional costs.

Redwerk is going to exhibit in Alpha section at Collision conference in Toronto this month. While preparing, we decided to use our finding on eco-friendliness and created a list of simple rules for both exhibitors and attendees to cut the costs and environmental damage: